Something About Friday
From Social Starting the same - the same one derived from the same housing complex, one day we fun - fun to play the band in the studio, it turned out after that time we feel have the same desire to make a band, we finally agreed to seriously make a band.
Then on 2 April 2010, eventually we formed a band in Majalengka birthplace of our city, we love the name of the band SOMETHING ABOUT FRIDAY, why we chose that name for this band, simply - because we take the philosophy of meaning Friday , the day of Friday is the day the best among the names - the name of the day.
We hope this band later became the band's best and better again in the future in accordance with its name, after several changes - change of personnel, ultimately this is the formation of the strongest and is expected to last for eternity formation.
Bagus (vocals), Azis (Lead Guitar), Dani (Guitar and Vocals), Rezky (Bass), Dan Ibethz (Drums), we like to play music that we call EMOTIONAL POST HARDCORE as the identity of our bands music.
Finally, we often appear on the show - musical events in our own area and out of town, we also try to make your own songs and record them.
We want to offer a fresh music from an existing piece of music, for music lovers in this country, we hope that with the flow of EMOTIONAL POST HARDCORE music we play, music lovers in this country could have a more diverse choice of music they listen to .

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